Surrender Services
Sadly, we receive more emails and calls about surrendering an animal, than people who are looking to adopt. We do try to accommodate as many animas as we can while still making sure there is sufficient space in a healthy environment.
We understand that pet owners may face situations where they are unable to care for their animals. Please consider every available alternative before surrendering your pet. At the SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter, we are dedicated to supporting our community. However, we cannot accommodate walk-ins , please call or email us to inquiry about available space.
Please understand that the SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter reserves the right to refuse to take an animal under any circumstances.
Please follow the steps below to surrender an animal to the SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter.
What you should know about the surrender process
-The SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter cannot pick up stray animal, animals that are being surrendered, and we do not have the resources to help with animal nuisances. We do not have a TNR (trap, neuter, & release program) that can assist with feral colonies. Please contact Feral cat programs by clicking here.
-Please call or email us to check for availability as we cannot guarantee space.
Click here for contact information.
-When surrendering a pet, it is crucial to recognize that the legal ownership of the animal is transferred to the SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter.
-Please refrain from visiting your surrendered pet, as it may negatively impact the animal's adaptation to the shelter and hinder adoption process.
-After surrendering an animal to the SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter, , you will be restricted from adopting a new one for at least one year from the date of surrender.
Fees and Requirements
As a non-profit 501(c)3 the SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter operates on service fees and donations.
To support the needs of the community, the SPCA of Hernando Rescue Ranch & Shelter has the following fees and requirements for surrender:

Requirements for Cat Surrenders
Up to date rabies shot
Must have a negative result on a feline leukemia/combo test within 3 months of coming to the shelter.
All veterinary records
Medication ( if needed)
Toys, beds, belongings from home to be more comfortable here
Special food and/or treats that they need and/or like
No Feral Cats.
Fees for Cat Surrenders

Requirements for Dog Surrenders
Up to date rabies shot
Must have a negative result on a Heartworm test within 3 months of coming to the shelter.
All veterinary records
Medication ( if needed)
Toys, beds, belongings from home to be more comfortable here
Special food and/or treats that they need and/or like
Must be evaluated by dog handler.
Must be on a leash.